What is Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy?
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) is just like doing physical therapy, only for symptoms and conditions that are related to the face, mouth and jaws. Through a series of exercised-based treatment, OMT addresses: mouth breathing, snoring, atypical swallowing and chewing patterns, tongue & lip ties, and oral habits(nail biting/thumb-sucking)
When oral and facial muscles rest and function in the proper way, improvements are seen in breathing, eating, swallowing, speech, posture, and quality of sleep. These improvements are seen at all ages.
OMT helps to address the root causes of problems, not just the the symptoms.
In children, this therapy helps install healthy habits for life. Poor functional patterns (low tongue posture, tongue thrust patterns, open mouth breathing, oral habits, restricted tongue ties) restrict facial growth and development and other health concerns later in life.
In adults, years of poor habits can contribute to several other health concerns. OMT can be beneficial for those suffering with jaw/muscle pain, head and neck aches, and those with obstructive sleep apnea. The first step is to identify compensations of the jaw and neck during chewing and swallowing to help alleviate pain and dysfunction.
After an initial assessment is complete, a personalized treatment plan will be designed to meet your individual needs for you to achieve optimal results.